Software Supply Agreement Sample

The developer undertakes to compensate, defend and protect the client from and before all lawsuits and fees of any type related to the software, including reasonable legal fees due to the violation of third party intellectual rights by the developer. This software development agreement (the “agreement” or “software development agreement”) indicates the terms and conditions that govern the contractual agreement between [Developer.Company] and its principal establishment [Developer.Address] with [Developer.Address] and [Client.Company] with its main place of activity [Client.Address] (the “customer”) that agrees to be bound to this agreement. The client has designed [QUICK DESCRIPTION OF SOFTWARE] that is described in more detail on Schedule A, and the developer is a contractor with whom the client has an agreement to develop the software. NOW, THEREFORE, Taking into account the reciprocal alliances and promises made by the parties to this software development agreement, the developer and the client (individually, each a “party” and collectively, the “parties”) confederation and agree as follows: compensation. In return for the service, the customer pays the company the rate of [rate] per hour (the “hourly rate”), with a total maximum fee for all work done under this [Total Maximum] software development agreement The fees charged per hour are due and payable if the developer makes an invoice available to the customer. Invoices are provided for work performed by the developer once a [payment period]. The developer may not disclose to third parties information about the software code, specifications or activities of the customer (the “confidential information”), (ii) provide copies of confidential information or content based on the concepts of personal use or dissemination contained in the confidential information, unless the customer requests it. (iii) to use confidential information. that are not exclusively for the benefit of the customer. The software works to specifications on or before the delivery date.

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