Turkey And Eu Trade Agreement

Some Ankara politicians may be tempted to breach the terms of the customs union with the EU and reach a trade deal with the UK, even if there is no deal between Britain and the EU. This has already happened with Malaysia, much to the chagrin of the EU, where the EU has not concluded its trade negotiations, but where Turkey has nevertheless advanced and signed an agreement. In such circumstances, an agreement between the UK and Turkey could lead to the total collapse of the EU-Turkey customs union, as there is a significant risk of transshipment of large quantities of British products and intermediate consumption to the EU via Turkey. Such an agreement would create even more tensions between Ankara and Brussels and strengthen the voice of those who advocate a stronger EU stance towards Turkey, including new sanctions and the end of accession negotiations. The UK should think carefully before pursuing a trade deal that would further destabilise the EU`s relations with Turkey and risk being seen by Brussels as a deliberate provocation. Brussels says Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has violated the spirit of trade deals with the EU by calling for a boycott of French products and is now measuring his possible reactions. Turkey is a member of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (Euromed) and should therefore conclude free trade agreements with all other Mediterranean partners in order to create a Euro-Mediterranean free trade area. Two officials said Brussels was studying anti-dumping investigations in order to turn ankara on commercial screws. There are clear goals in steel, where EU manufacturers have lodged complaints, but Brussels could also open investigations into its choice.

It goes without saying that these provisions do not apply to agricultural products exempt from pan-European accumulation (by a footnote referring to an annex in each protocol on the origin of agreements between the EC and the other partners in the pan-European accumulation system). The agreement covers trade in all fish and other seafood (Article 4 and Appendix II). THE EFTA states and Turkey grant duty-free access to imports of all fish and seafood.

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